The Mineralised Tissue Research Group (MINTIG) is a research group of the British Society for Dental Research. The remit is to provide a forum for research discussion and collaborations in all areas relating to mineralised tissues. This includes research relating to:
- Structure and biology of bone, dentine and enamel
- Stem cell biology
- Embryological development of teeth and bones
- Application of basic science to clinical strategies and therapies for mineralised tissue regeneration, prevention of demineralisation and remineralisation
- Abnormalities of mineralised tissue development
- Pathological degradation of mineralised tissues
MINTIG regularly organises symposia at both meetings of the BSODR and the Pan European Region of the IADR (PER-IADR) which are of interest to our members. Symposia aim to be interdisciplinary and translational in format, of interest to both basic science and clinical researchers. Symposia may be with partner research groups within the BSODR to stimulate new research initiatives. We also meet as a research group for a lunch and a business meeting at every BSODR. At this meeting your ideas for the development of MINTIG are welcome also. New members are welcome. Membership of MINTIG is free.