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Early Career Researcher meeting jointly organized by the Oral Microbiology & Immunology (OMIG) and Oral Medicine & Pathology (OMPG) research groups of the BSODR

7th and 8th June 2023

We are thrilled to announce a first-of-its-kind joint venture by the Periodontal Research Group (PRG) within the British Society of Oral and Dental Research (BSODR) and the British Society of Periodontology & Implant Dentistry (BSP)!

This venture aims at combining clinical and research aspects in periodontology at the upcoming BSP meeting in Birmingham in October. This approach offers unparalleled opportunities not only to learn from experts and peers but also to present and share ground-breaking research in the field of periodontology. With poster and oral presentation prizes available, there is even greater incentive to participate and showcase your achievements!!

In this session we will have talks on the breadth of periodontal research and funding opportunities within the field of periodontal research (both clinical and non-clinical research). This will be followed by oral and poster presentations with prizes available for best and runner-up in either category! There will be time for question and answers as well as refreshments and networking opportunities.

As President of the BSP and Chair of the BSODR’s PRG, we strongly encourage all researchers involved in periodontal research, to join us in this upcoming meeting that blends clinical and research aspects. With poster and oral presentation prizes available, there is even greater incentive to participate and share the latest advancements. By coming together, we can achieve our shared goal of improving the dental health and well-being of patients everywhere.

Prof Mike Milward (President BSP)

Dr Praveen Sharma (Chair of BSODR’s PRG)


Open now via the BSP website. Select ‘Wednesday 11 October Morning’ session.
Only £35! 
Register now

Oral and Poster submission

Please submit your abstracts by 1st July 2023

Prizes up for grabs:

£250 first prize (oral presentation)

£150 runner up (oral presentation)

£150 first prize (poster presentation)

£50 runner up (poster presentation)

Please note that only BSODR members are eligibile for a prize. Non-members are encouraged to submit abstracts via the same process (email to but will not be entered into the prize draw.

More details

Download the programme

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Read more about the BSP conference

A message from the BSP President Prof Mike Milward
Read more

Event address

The Exchange, 3 Centenary Square, Birmingham B1 2DR

Click for directions