The Regenerative Dentistry Research Group provides an environment to basic scientists and clinicians for the promotion of research activities, collaborations, discussions and meetings, pertaining to our understanding of regenerative dentistry at a cellular and molecular level, and its translation towards clinical applications for oral/dental tissue repair. Our remit encompasses:-
- The developmental basis underlying oral and dental tissue formation.
- Stem cell biology of mineralised and non-mineralised oral tissues.
- Mechanisms underlying normal and altered repair processes during oral health and disease.
- The exploitation of oral/dental-derived stem cells and other tissue engineering-based approaches for the treatment of oral and non-oral conditions.
- Current advances and challenges surrounding the translational development of stem cell and other therapeutic strategies for clinical use in oral tissue repair and regeneration.
Such endeavours are fostered through the organisation of mini satellite meetings, collaborative sandpits and symposia at meetings of the BSODR and PER-IADR.