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Behavioural, Epidemiological and Health Services Research Group (BEHSR)

The Behavioural, Epidemiological and Health Services Research Group is a research group of the British Society for Dental Research. The key objectives of the BEHSR are:

  • To promote and encourage research in the behavioural, epidemiologic, social sciences and health services related to oral and dental health.
  • To provide a forum for interdisciplinary communication and the exchange of scientific information pertaining to all aspects of behavioural, epidemiological, social sciences and health services research related to oral and dental health research.
  • To promote the transformation of dental curricula with the inclusion of distinct and appropriate behavioural and social science input across all years of undergraduate and postgraduate dental education.
  • To assist in the dissemination of knowledge in relation to behavioural, epidemiologic, social sciences and health services research related to oral and dental health to relevant bodies and the public.
  • To assist the BSODR in developing its scientific programme.
  • To foster links with other, accordant organisations.

Current officers

Chair, Dr George Kitsaras
Unit – University of Manchester
Year appointed – 20224
Year of renewal – 202?


Secretary, Dr Micheala Goodwin
Unit – University of Manchester
Year appointed – 2024
Year of renewal – 202?


Councillor, Dr Rachel Pattinson
Unit – University of Cardiff
Year appointed – 2024
Year of renewal – 202?


Councillor, Dr Kara Gray-Burrows
Unit – University of Leeds
Year appointed – 2024
Year of renewal – 202?


Industry rep, Dr Juliana Gomez
Unit – Colgate
Year appointed – 2024
Year of renewal – 202?
