BSODR Annual meeting 6th– 8th September 2023, Queen Mary University of London
240 registered for the annual meeting which represented a return to pre-pandemic numbers. 142 abstracts were accepted for presentation at the meeting. Colgate were the major sponsors of the meeting
Meeting highlights included the Graham Embery lecture delivered Prof. Gottfried Schmaltz, University of Regensburg, Germany entitled “The role of interfaces – not only between materials and tissues”.
The BSODR President’s Prize winner Dr Helen Rodgers gave the prize presentation entitled ‘Coins and cavities: a journey in oral health economics’
Also, Prof. Stephen Challacombe delivered a lecture entitled “Past Presidents of the BSDR/BSODR
Impacts on Oral & Dental Research” to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of BSODR.
Further, there were 2 Research Group symposia:
- “Multidisciplinary research in the interplay between infection, inflammation and cancer”, a jointly organised symposium between Oral Medicine and Pathology, Periodontology and Oral Microbiology and Immunology research Groups. Speakers Aaron Weinberg, Francesco D’Auito, Dimitra Lamprinaki.
- “Novel Strategies for the enhancement of bone regeneration in healthy and compromised patients” a jointly organised symposium between the Mineralised Tissue and Regenerative Dentistry research groups. Speakers Nikos Mardas and Paul Hatton
There was also a very popular round table discussion from Dental Journal Editors including the British Dental Journal and Journal of Dental Research. Further, an Early Career Researcher breakfast focussing on publications and patents sponsored by Colgate. The BSODR Annual Business meeting was held during this Annual Meeting.
Link to the meeting webpage here:

Dr Richard Holliday